Today, Dd was honored to make a commitment progress report onstage at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting 2013 with Eramithe Delva, co-founder of Haitian women’s organization, KOFAVIV. Read more…
Welcome to our new website, a complete rewrite and rethink of the code, structure and design of our original site. The new design aims to be clean and simple with a heavy emphasis on photographs, while looking good on mobile, tablet and desktop. Read more…
The Dd team has been quiet lately, but we’ve been anything but idle. This year we have completed a three-year program, launched new initiatives - and oh yeah, hosted Haiti’s first hackathon! It’s been a period of challenges, new learning and very rewarding work expanding our reach to more marginalized communities. Read more…
Digital Democracy is a proud recipient of a 2013 Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant. The award is given to non-profits to support their efforts to use maps to promote public benefit causes. Past recipients include the Nature Conservancy, the Jane Goodall Institute and the Clinton Foundation. Read more…
In February, Dd brought together an unlikely mix of international software developers & designers, Haitian technical students and members of Haitian women’s organization KOFAVIV to host Haiti’s first Hackathon, a three-day event designed to encourage collaboration between these diverse actors in order to build out tools to support KOFAVIV’s efforts to turn the 572 Call Center into a national service for survivors of gender-based violence. Read more…
Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Starting March 8, 2013 the KOFAVIV Gender-based Violence Call Center received nearly 2000 calls over the course of a mere 48 hours. Thankfully, the influx of calls was not a result of a spike in violence in Haiti, but rather a response to a campaign launched by Digicel in honor of International Women’s Day. Read more…
February 1-3, 2013 – This weekend, Digital Democracy – along with partners KOFAVIV, ESIH & more – is hosting “From Local Solutions to National Systems,” a Hackathon in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We’re thrilled to be convening a talented group of Haitian & international developers, designers and issue areas experts for the first Hackathon FOR Haiti to be hosted IN Haiti. Read more…
Digital Democracy has been selected as one of eight winners of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Knight News Challenge on Mobiles for Remote Access, empowering remote and off-the-grid communities with a toolkit to report environmental and human rights threats. Read more…
Yangon, Myanmar: The last time I was in Myanmar (aka Burma), the country was ruled by a military government. It was fall 2009. Elections were on the horizon, but most people I met were skeptical about what they might yield. Mobile phones and internet access were increasingly popular but relatively hard to come by - cyber cafes were crowded, and places to access wifi were few and far between. Read more…
Happy International Human Rights Day, everyone. This year, the focus of Human Rights Day — on Monday & beyond — is the rights of all people to make their voices heard, regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, geography or economic standing. In honor of that mission, we want to share with you a new report, #ICT4HR, co-authored by [Molly Land][1], [Patrick Meier][2] and Dd’s co-founders Mark Belinsky & Emily Jacobi. Read more…