Tomorrow morning Abby and I travel to Port-au-Prince to focus on the needs of Haitian women. On our trip we have two objectives, and we need your help to meet them. Read more…
In Haiti, a second humanitarian crisis is unfolding: **Haiti’s women are under siege from increasing insecurity, **which has grown steadily since the earthquake devastated the country in January. Facing violence and rape, Haiti’s women operate within discriminatory legal structures which prevent them from accessing aid and taking an active role in their country’s redevelopment process. This must change.Digital Democracy is focusing on how technology can be used to to amplify the voices of Haiti’s women and ensure their protection. **We need your support today to invest in Haitian women. ** Read more…
For the amazing work that has been done by the Ushahidi volunteers at SIPA, Tufts and elsewhere, our advisory board member Patrick Meier received an award this past weekend from Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global University Initiative. Well done Patrick! Read more…
We just wrote about the power of the volunteers who have worked on Haiti. However volunteers are not only useful in times of crises. Digital Democracy’s core team is small, and we accomplish our work through partnerships and collaborations. Our volunteers and interns play a crucial role, and today we want to highlight the work of two of our current interns who are helping to make Handheld Human Rights a success, mapping decades of information on human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar. Read more…
The power of new technologies has made a lot of headlines recently, but behind these new tools is a deeper story - the power of the people who wield them. When it comes to open-source and particularly crowd-sourcing tools, those people are so often volunteers, and they are the true heroes of technological successes. Read more…
Mark and Emily travel to Mae La refugee camp in Northern Thailand to launch our digital penpal program Project Einstein with Burmese youth. Students from the Leadership Management Training College, never having held a camera before, are taught the fundamentals of digital photography, including composition and editing, and choose themes from their lives to document with the cameras: Internally Displaced People, A day in the life in the camp, youth life and School life. Read more…
Today we’re honored to have a guest blog post by Digital Democracy Advisory Board member Sean McDonald, taking a look at the US State Department’s focus on Internet Freedom. Sean, Director of New Media Business Development at MetroStar Systems, brings a background in journalism, law and peace & conflict resolution. The Unfortunate Simplicity of Freedom By Sean Martin McDonald Read more…
In a world where there is so much violence and conflict exists, how do people working for peace find and support one another? Read more…
This post initially appeared on the Ushahidi blog. Working in the tech sphere, it’s the power and passion that people have that never ceases to astound me. Following the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, people around the world contributed an incredible outpouring of support for the people of Haiti. Now, as that support expands to Chile, it is evident that we are participating in a game changing moment. Read more…