UC Berkeley Human Rights Center Mobile Challenge

We have been working on Handheld Human Rights, a mobile component of the Virtual Community Center. We just entered it in UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center Mobile Challenge being presented by Netsquared.

The mission of this challenge is to encourage innovations for applying mobile technologies for human rights investigations and advocacy.

**Handheld Human Rights **provides a secure hub for groups around Burma’s borders documenting human rights abuses. By allowing users to submit data directly from their mobiles, Burmese refugees in community organizations will be able to channel data on abuses into action. Once abuses and alerts are channeled through the hub and mapped, this information can be used to raise international awareness and support advocacy campaigns to bring gross human rights abuses to the International Criminal Court.

You can read more about our project in the HRC-UCB Project Gallery. We’re eager to know what you think of our project, and what you think can make it better, as we will continue to edit and improve the proposal while the submission period is still open. Please let us know your thoughts by posting a comment. Or leave stars to show your support for our programming! You will have the opportunity to vote for HHR during the voting period, March 23 - 27. Your votes will be crucial for us to make it on to the final round.
