Mobiles Hidden in Monks Robes

In September 2007, despite less than 1% mobile penetration, mobile phones played a critical role in monk-led protests inside Burma. How were mobiles used inside the country, and around the borders? Read about this in the 3-part article I just published on MobileActive:

On Sept. 26, the protests were still going strong. It was 11 am, and Aung Aung Ye was juggling two computers and a mobile phone from his office in Thailand. That morning he was on his mobile talking with contacts in Burma’s commercial capital, Rangoon. At 1:34 am EST, he told me that more than 10,000 people had gathered near Traders Hotel in downtown Rangoon.

By 1:40, the mood, still palpable electronically, changed. He had received frantic calls – the military had begun using tear gas and bullets against the peaceful demonstrators. His status message read, “Now, shooting in North/Oakalapa.” Two minutes later, it changed again – “Don’t brake my heart into a million pieces.”

Read the rest of the article.