Media and Technology in Armenia

In 2003, I went to Armenia and started working with youth on “blogging” before the term blogging was actually in the lexicon. Back then, access to computers was hard to come by and the internet was crawling along. I was working with a documentary film company, Bars Media, and found that young people were not involved in the political life of the country. Along with some local friends and Dutch friends, we founded Bem, a youth action center focused on teaching art and technology for civic engagement. Since then, the country has gone through many changes.

In 2009, I made several trips back to Armenia. I compiled the research I did into a report. Please find that below and let me know what you think. I hope that in the future I will be able to continue working with my friends and colleagues on the ground in exploring and implementing radical new opportunities to engage people throughout the country in political life, facilitated through technology.

Digital Democracy Armenia Report 2009