How is technology changing the world?We’re launching Digital Democracy TV (DdTv) to find out.
Follow along and participate in our interactive features this fall as we travel from New York to Southeast Asia, documenting our journey and the people we meet. From Brooklyn to Thailand, watch the innovative ways communities are using technology to challenge injustice and inspire creativity. DdTv will use the internet to solicit audience interaction, so we’re seeking YOUR input on the show, whether it’s deciding a topic for an episode or supplying questions to ask interviewees.
DdTv Episode 1
Burmese monk U Agga has witnessed first-hand the role digital technology can play in people-powered movements. A member of the All Burma Monks Alliance, he was a leader of Burma’s 2007 Saffron Revolution, forced to flee the military during their brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters.
U Agga recently sat down with Digital Democracy to tell his story and discuss what technology means for the Burmese democracy movement.
You can also download the podcast to watch in iTunes or on your iPhone.