Chin National Day Celebration

What do wrestling, traditional dances, fashion shows and spicy noodle soup have in common? All were vital components of a Chin National Day celebration in Indianapolis, Indiana this weekend.

February 20 marked the 61st anniversary of Chin National Day, celebrated by the many ethnic groups that comprise the Chin people of Western Burma. Over the last two decades thousands of Chin have fled conditions inside Burma, and many now live in India, Malaysia, the United States and Canada. The United States government has granted priority status to refugees from Burma, and Chin people will be among the 18,000 Burmese refugees expected to be resettled in the US in 2009.

Indianapolis has been designated a priority city for Burmese resettlement, and Emily was in Indy over the weekend to celebrate Chin National Day with the more than 2,000 members of the Chin community there.

Some photos from the event:
