Cast your vote for Handheld Human Rights … again!

imageLast week your votes helped our project Handheld Human Rights (HHR) reach the final round of the UC Berkeley Human Rights Center Mobile Challenge. (Read more in our previous blog post.)

This week we’ve entered Handheld Human Rights in another NetSquared challenge. This time it’s the N2Y4 Mobile Challenge which also seeks projects that leverage mobile technology for social change. Like last week’s challenge we need votes to advance into the next round to compete for cash prizes to make HHR possible. This time there are 70 great projects in the competition and only the top 14 will be invited to the N2Y4 Conference from May 24-25.

Voting lasts until Friday, April 10.

If you voted for us last week the process is very simple. Login to NetSquared and go to the N2Y4 Project Gallery to vote for Digital Democracy’s Handheld Human Rights. You must vote for 3-5 projects in order to cast your ballot.

If you didn’t vote last time, simply register and then you can cast your ballot.