This week the U.S. Senate votes on a $60 billion supplemental aid bill for Haiti. Our work with Haiti helped bring together a coalition of twelve U.S. Senators to take up the issue of sexual and gender based violence in Haiti and ask that funding be earmarked for the protection of Haitian women and girls. Thank you to Senators Mike Johanns (R-NE), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Sam Brownback(R-KS), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), George Voinovich (R-OH), Benjamin Cardin (D-MD), Robert Casey, Jr. (D-PA), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) for advocating on behalf of Haitian women.
Our coalition is working to ensure that the there continues to be a leading force in pushing for the security and inclusion of Haitian women in recovery processes, especially those still occupying some 1400 camps in and around Port Au Prince. Please see the Press Release and short video on sexual and gender based violence in the camps.